

I feel like it’s all I think about





I feel like it’s all I think about

Promise me you won’t think I’m weird, or like a big food dummy, but honestly? I never even heard of that Strawberry Pretzel Salad thing until like a year or two ago. I do not know how I made it through (ahem) thirty-mumble-mumble years without this ever crossing my radar. Especially considering food is my life. For reals. Like, sometimes I feel like it’s all I think about ips 整容 .

And, when I first started seeing it on Pinterest and stuff I thought it sounded kinda gross. I mean, sweet cream cheese and strawberries, yes. But pretzels? Not so sure.

So I’m fiddling around with this idea to do a strawberry yogurt popsicles thing, and I knew it needed a little something for crunch. At first I was thinking shortbread cookies (which would probably also be pretty rockin’), but then I spotted the pretzels in my cupboard and decided to just go for it ips 整容!

I’m so glad I did, because, dude. I should never have doubted Strawberry Pretzel Salad. Strawberry Pretzel Salad was right all along.

If you like pretzels + ice cream, you will love this sweet/salty/creamy frozen treat. It’s just so refreshing, and those little crunchy bits make it so satisfying ips 整容!

You can literally whip these up in 10 minutes flat. Mix some honey and vanilla extract into your Greek yogurt, chop up some fresh strawberries and toss them in a little jam, and crunch up some hard pretzels. Layer it into your popsicle molds and freeze! It’s just that simple, y’all.



No Name Ninja